Living in Malaysia, It has always been a dream of mine to be able to provide an exclusive designer collection for our muslim client's. Not forgetting, with the Bollywood Craze in Malaysia, It would be even more exciting if I would be able to incorporate this bollywood element's into their tudung, jubah,
Despite being a non-muslim, with in-depth of search on this segment of market, with the help of my muslim friends I was able to understand their religion as well as their needs in fashion, yet in line of the Muslim teachings.
Zenith Diva's has made our very first break towards making head scarfs a lifestyle statement, all you need to do is decorate it with the right type of accessories. We always, want to be unique and introduce something new, hence we came up with this concept of going green. Simply recycle your old outfit and and give it a brand new
Many of you might be wondering, what is so unique about Zenith Diva's
Muslimah Accessories? Simply because we bring to you the elegance of the bollywood fashion to your selendang, scarves, jubah, abaya, baju kurung, kebaya, kerongsang and much more coming along the way.
Photo Credit: The Star, Saufi Nadzri
Bollywood Lace, you may use these collections to dazzle your baju kurung, scarves, slendang, tudung.
And best of all you can simply use these creations to bedazzle your old outfit into something new!
Some of our creations using these lace collections:
Photo Credit: The Star, Saufi Nadzri
We also have a variety of patches that you can use it on your baju kurung, tudung, selendang. Best of all you don't need to sew it on, simply attach it with a pin or you can also use fabric glue and stick it on-to your outfit.
Photo Credit: The Star, Saufi Nadzri
Best of all our milestone was being highlighted in The Star Newspaper, under the section 'In Trend.